I know that this sounds kind of ridiculous, but let me paint a picture for you..
You have to be at work in 30 minutes. You only live 15 minutes away but the whole city just got covered in almost a foot of fresh snow. (I stepped into my backyard that hadn’t been touched and it was taller than my boots, calf deep).
You woke up a little late and have 4 kids at home. The youngest two are both toddlers only 17 months apart. Your older children are 14 and 10. It was the 10 year old who started the vehicle for you so it could warm up before you had to drive downtown for work. The morning has been full. The house looks like a tornado and you are quickly adding all the ingredients for Chicken Enchilada soup into the crock pot for dinner.
Your son comes in to tell you that the keys are locked in the van, and it’s running. He says it was an accident and he’s so sorry. Your husband (who would normally handle this kind of situation) is out of town. It’s freezing cold and snowy outside. You have been watching vehicles getting stuck on the street all day.
How bad would you be freaking out if this was you?
You can’t call a locksmith without having to pay for it. You’ve used that reimbursement on your insurance too many times and they stopped providing it for you.
It was snow-maggedon yesterday. The kind of day and weather that makes people stay home unless they absolutely have to leave.
It was snow-maggedon yesterday. The kind of day and weather that makes people stay home unless they absolutely have to leave.
I thought about freaking out for about ½ a second. I didn’t. I stayed calm. I knew that everything would be ok and we would get into that vehicle.
I called my job and told them what was up. Thankfully my manager called me back a few minutes after my shift was scheduled to start and told me that I didn’t need to worry about coming in. Good luck getting into the vehicle.
My 14 year old found the last wire hanger in the whole dang house. I grabbed some shoelaces and a couple screw drivers and we went out into the blizzard.
She bent the hanger so it was straight with a hook at the end. I played with the screwdrivers enough to get a little opening so I could get the hanger inside. That hanger was so flimsy there was no hooking anything, or pushing any buttons with it.
There’s a trick that you can use a shoestring to loop around the kind of locks that I have in my old ass van and pull it up. I googled. I tied slip knots and I patiently worked away for an hour and a half.
During this process the thought popped in my head to message one of my friends that lived not to far away. I hit him up. He didn’t have the necessary tools.
I got the string into the door and almost on the lock! He stopped by to see if he could help. We used our team work and were able to get the vehicle open! Utilizing all the tools I had brought outside.
This process took two hours. By the time I went back inside my0 toes hurt they were so cold. But the vehicle was unlocked, turned off and the key was retrieved!
I am absolutely amazed at my calm! Old me would have had a melt down! I would have been so stressed that my head would have felt like it was going to pop off! Thinking of everything that could go wrong and the absolute worst case scenario. It would have definitely been the end of the world. Is that where you mind would go? Are you like me?
I would have been so frustrated! I would have still been plenty angry when I had finally gotten into the vehicle (I probably would have dumped that on my kid too). Who knows if I would have been ABLE to get into the vehicle when I was in that state of mind. Would I have had the idea out of nowhere to call my friend? Would I have had the patience to play with string, screwdrivers and a hanger for 2 hours? Would I have given up and just called a locksmith? Paid them at least $100 and possibly had the running vehicle run out of gas while I waited for them to make it to me in a blizzard? We’ll never know, but it doesn’t even seem like a stretch.
I am so proud to be able to celebrate such a miracle in my life! Seriously! I just went through that smooth and came out the other side feeling like celebrating. My blood pressure wasn’t raised. I kept a smile on my face.. And it wasn’t a forced, fake smile either. It was genuine.
I want this for you!!!!
Calm can be your super power too! You will have a moment in your future where you will be able to stop for a second and reflect on what just happened and say… “What?! I just went through all that nonsense and kept my peace? I kept my center? I kept my cool? Hell yeah!!”
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