Don't get me wrong. I know the darkness is where all the old pain is hiding too. I know that your mind has come up with a million reasons and reactions not to go there. Most of it is probably largely reactionary... it's running on autopilot and you are just going through life wondering why it feels like it does.
If you feel like there has to be more to life than the reality you are experiencing.... it's because it's true!! Your soul is begging you to come back to yourself.

The brave ones will answer the call. They will get to a point where they just can't keep going on the same way. The yearn to be the example of what is possible, and not someone who just settles.
Diving in and exploring the darkness is deep work, it's hard. You have all kinds of thoughts and beliefs that aren't true, holding you captive from living the life that feels great for your soul! Your mind will twist and project everything and it's confusing af to figure out.
This is why I do what I do. Because we aren't meant to do this alone. We are built for connection and community. I adventure into my shadows whenever they ask. I celebrate the triggers that come up. Seriously. Sometimes it's more painful than other times, but that indicates to me, the depth of healing that is available.
It doesn't feel good all the time. I have cried a whole lot over the last few weeks. But that's ok. I am not suffering pointlessly. I am using my support system, mentors and community to explore and make what is unknown known. I am healing at the deepest levels. I have the opportunity to uncover even more magick.
Every. Single. Time.
It's not always easy. I'm a perfectly imperfect messy human af soul doing the work that my soul yearns for.
I believe that joy, and peace are your birthright. I believe you were born with an wellspring with everything you need within you. You have just forgotten. You don't remember how to get back. You don't know how to access it.
I am leading souls back to themselves and assisting them on making themselves at home in their center, where everything they need is already waiting in abundance.
This is my souls work. You can love ALL of you. Not just the pretty and acceptable. You can embody the wholeness of who you are. Let's adventure.
I have two spaces for a 1x1 container opening in April. Four months of support, adventure and healing. Message me if this speaks to you. I know that there are souls who need to hear it, I know that you are ready, you are just waiting for the sign... this is it.
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