What do you want it to be like?

The place where you are now, is because you chose it.
Does that trigger you?
Does your brain immediately go.. "No! I didn't choose this! All of these people and circumstances and then this and then that... it happened to me. I didn't choose it."
Congratulations! This my friends, is your ego. Avoiding responsibility and keeping you trapped in your old stories on a loop. All in a misguided effort to protect you.
The only thing keeping you from your dream life... is you.
If there is something in your head that is telling you that this isn't true, or that it isn't that simple (because obviously if it was you would have fixed it by now), congratulate yourself! Seriously! Did you hear that? You just caught your ego.
We could compare it to a computer. You have lots and lots of programming. There is programming in your system that you aren't even aware of because it is part of the core system, the background stuff that is just always running but you never use when you turn on the computer. Yet, it still affects everything.
This concept is simple. We are complex.
Every time you exercise this awareness and catch your ego, you are getting stronger. Every single time.
This process isn't always "fun" there is "work" involved.
It doesn't require lots of effort, or working hard.
It actually works better if you are not straining.
Relax and allow the process to unfold.
Get support.
Trust yourself.
Believe that the Universe does indeed have your back (if you can't do that.. want for it to be true and we can start there)
Your thoughts create your emotions.
Your thoughts are governed by your beliefs.
Your beliefs were mostly absorbed and integrated before you had any understanding, or say so in the matter.
Most people learn beliefs from their parents and those same parents wouldn't agree with if it were verbalized. I know mine wouldn't.
I believed for a very long time that I wasn't enough. I needed to be someone else, someone worthy. That I needed to achieve and work hard. That I needed to achieve.
I am blessed to have parents who love me unconditionally, their motivation has always only ever been that they love me and want what is best for me. Always, I know this. I am so deeply grateful for this example.
Even with that... and not because they did anything wrong. I didn't believe in my own value.
I am healing this.
I am reprogramming.
My whole life has changed since I committed to myself..
I decided to re-write my story.
I got help. Someone who was a mirror, who never judged me, who held space for me, who gave only love, truth and encouragement. Someone who already knew the way because they had been there.. they had blazed the trail before me.
You can re-write your story too..
What is your absolute dream life like?
You can have it. It wants you.
Are you willing to go within to get it?
I am here to support you in this process. I am here to give you guidance, love, truth, encouragement, practice. I am here to link arms with you, to hold space for you and to water you so that you can bloom into your fullness. Who you really, truly are.
I have 2 sample sessions available next week, there is no charge for these sessions. It would be my honor to connect with you.
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