What if?
What if your life could feel totally different?
What if you could go through your day without having to work hard?
What if there was ease?
What if other people's choices and words didn't hold you down or cause you stress?
What if you could sit back and observe?
What if there were miracles all along your path?
What if you could see and catch yourself in negative patterns before they swept you away?
What if you could reprogram yourself?
What if you could really be whatever you want to be?
What if you weren't confined by the should's?
What if there was nothing that you HAD to do?
What if you could let go and surrender without being irresponsible?
What if you could operate from joy and peace?
What if that was the norm?
What if you could desire more from life than just to be happy?
What if you could really make money pursuing your passions?
What if your desires weren't things that you didn't have time for?
What if you could celebrate exploring the things that excited you?
What if you could be grateful for challenges?
What if other people couldn't steal your energy?
What if you could live without guilt?
What if you could have inner peace?
What if being true to yourself didn't mean you were being a selfish asshole?
What if....
All of these are possible. I know this because I have traveled from one side of this spectrum to the other, because I have experienced them. The answer to each of these questions is.. YOU CAN! It is possible! It is not only possible but it is the path to your highest joy and your greatest fulfillment!
I wouldn't have believed it possible even a year ago. I craved these things. I knew in my core that I was meant for so much more. I was disappointed and hard on myself for not fulfilling my potential.
You don't have to wait for anything to start making a transformation.
You don't have to hit rock bottom.
That new car, or new place, or new job, or new partner, or new pair of shoes does not in itself hold the feelings you crave. You can strive all you want for material items, in the hopes that you will be happy when..... but somehow it always leaves you empty. Then that is depressing, and frustrating and you might even pretend like it really does make you happy. It might give you pleasure.. but it doesn't last. It wears off and you feel the need to acquire something else to achieve that desired feeling. When we are looking outside of ourselves for this... we always come up lacking.
I can't say that I've tried it all, but at it's core it's all the same search.
The process of shining a light on my inner self was scary. I was overwhelmed at the idea. It felt so much easier to just sweep whatever the presenting issue was under the rug, to pacify that surge that welled up inside yearning to be released.
I was afraid of what other people would think.
I didn't want to be judged.
Or looked down on.
Or to feel like I was less than anyone.
-- because I already felt this way about myself.
I was also afraid of what I was going to find. When I looked inward I would get this deep sense of fear that there was some big, dark, hairy scary monster lurking in the shadows of my souls somewhere. That by exploring I was really just going to let a monster loose. There's a good reason for all of those locked and buried rooms right? I built those walls to protect me!
I was very protective of them.
Not knowing what was on the other side was horrifying.
I want to know the full plan, all the steps. I want a checklist. I want expectations. I want to think on and analyze everything. This always raises feelings of anxiety, being overwhelmed. Feeling lost, not in control and hopeless.
There is so much information out there. Everyone has something that they can promise will transform you. Three simple steps. This product. That service. Blueprints. Books. "Do it just like me!"
The really, real truth is that the only way is through your inner self.
Having someone who can hold your hand in this process and support you is invaluable.
When a kind, loving, judgement free soul can help you with the flashlight...
The whole process is expedited.
I let my ego win and gave in to fear every time I attempted this on my own.
When I was ready a beautiful, wonderful teacher showed up in my life.
Her message of living in joy and ease spoke to my soul! I wanted what she had!
I was ready!
Having someone to hold my hand and show me the path.. having that support.. being brought together into a tribe was right on time, I leaned on her strength and belief in me to be able to feel it for myself. I trusted. Then the craziest thing happened... I transformed!
People have this idea that transformation is something that happens overnight and suddenly you are totally different. It doesn't happen that way. Deliberate, consistent action is how transformation happens. One step at a time. One day. One moment. One foot in front of the other.
Do you love yourself?
Do you want to?
I love nothing more than holding hands and supporting other souls on this journey. It is my greatest joy to share and give a strong, safe space for transformations.
I am here to support you.
If you feel this message, if it resonates with you, tingling, prickling inside.. If you want this...
Please know beyond any shadow of doubt or fear that is absolutely possible! There is no dream and no blessing that is too good for you! I believe that whole heartedly! I KNOW it to be true. I have never been more sure of anything in my life.
Please let me know if this resonated, reach out. Let's start a conversation.
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