When we are judging others we feel superior, entitled, intelligent, justified, and what have you. They did it wrong, or are wrong and if you had their choice to make, or if they had just listened, then catastrophe could have been avoided and everything would be perfect.
Too bad it doesn't work that way.
You have no idea what someone else has been through. It is so easy for us to see how someone else is wrong when you are looking at it from a completely different perspective. You probably don't have all the information, and you have no idea what it feels like to be them, even if you think you do. You might be able to imagine, you might be able to sympathize but it is truly impossible to know exactly.
I have made every excuse in the book as to why I have a right to judge. But the truth is, I don't. Neither do you. Does it ever actually bring about solutions? Does it bring good feelings into your life?
If it does I would venture a guess that they are short lived and shallow and that you end up feeling guilty if you are really honest with yourself.
Guilty for the judgement it self.
Then you give yourself a hard time and compound the situation because you are bringing even more negative feelings into your existence.
Why do we do that to ourselves? It's like it's compulsive.
We feel better about ourselves by needing to feel superior.
I remember watching a cartoon as a child where the moral of a skit was to sit next to someone bigger than you if you feel fat, boom, problem solved you feel better about yourself.
But do we really feel better? On any level that isn't superficial and short lived?
I never have from this type of thoughts and behaviors.
What if instead you looked at this person as a brother, or a sister, as they truly are. This person that you are judging came into this world as an innocent screaming little baby just like you did. They have the exact same spark of humanity and light in their eyes that you do. We are all made up of the exact same stuff on a chemical level. They have dreams and desires. When they were a kid they wanted to save the world and loved to play just like you.
What if you had lived their entire life, what if you had been in their shoes the whole time and didn't have the added perspective of the lessons that you have learned in life? What if they weren't raised with the same morals? What if they weren't raised with the same beliefs? What if their core values are completely different? What if something horrible and traumatic happened in their past and they've never told anyone? What if they are afraid to be authentic because judgement is what they really fear? What if they are just hurting? What if they are screaming and crying and lonely inside? What if they feel like no one understands them? What if they feel like no one would love them if they were fully honest about who they were and where they have been? What if they are really broken behind their facade of being perfectly polished?
You would like to believe that you would make different choices.. but if you were them.....
When we judge someone else, we are revealing something about ourselves.
Next time you catch yourself passing judgement, pause, take note and then let it go. Take a minute to look inside yourself in that moment and shine the flash light inward. What unhealed and hurting part of yourself just got triggered by that person?
You might be surprised what you find. You might be too scared to even look.
Guilty for the judgement it self.
Then you give yourself a hard time and compound the situation because you are bringing even more negative feelings into your existence.
Why do we do that to ourselves? It's like it's compulsive.
We feel better about ourselves by needing to feel superior.
I remember watching a cartoon as a child where the moral of a skit was to sit next to someone bigger than you if you feel fat, boom, problem solved you feel better about yourself.
But do we really feel better? On any level that isn't superficial and short lived?
I never have from this type of thoughts and behaviors.
What if instead you looked at this person as a brother, or a sister, as they truly are. This person that you are judging came into this world as an innocent screaming little baby just like you did. They have the exact same spark of humanity and light in their eyes that you do. We are all made up of the exact same stuff on a chemical level. They have dreams and desires. When they were a kid they wanted to save the world and loved to play just like you.
What if you had lived their entire life, what if you had been in their shoes the whole time and didn't have the added perspective of the lessons that you have learned in life? What if they weren't raised with the same morals? What if they weren't raised with the same beliefs? What if their core values are completely different? What if something horrible and traumatic happened in their past and they've never told anyone? What if they are afraid to be authentic because judgement is what they really fear? What if they are just hurting? What if they are screaming and crying and lonely inside? What if they feel like no one understands them? What if they feel like no one would love them if they were fully honest about who they were and where they have been? What if they are really broken behind their facade of being perfectly polished?
You would like to believe that you would make different choices.. but if you were them.....
When we judge someone else, we are revealing something about ourselves.
Next time you catch yourself passing judgement, pause, take note and then let it go. Take a minute to look inside yourself in that moment and shine the flash light inward. What unhealed and hurting part of yourself just got triggered by that person?
You might be surprised what you find. You might be too scared to even look.
But I promise you, there is nothing lurking in your dark shadows that puts you beyond the scope of worthiness. You are stardust. You are magic. You are powerful. You are a spark of the divine. A reflection of limitless possibilities and opportunities.
I know first hand how much the ego rises up and rebels against this idea. It will do it's best to convince you that whatever is in the dark is too horrible to ever be brought to the light, but guess what?
Your ego lies. Your false self doesn't want to be exposed, it doesn't want to loose it's power. That is what you are exposing. When we go through this process, we are empowering our true selves.
You are powerful beyond your imagination!
If you have any questions about this process? Or would like someone to help hold your hand and guide you through please let me know how I can be of assistance. It is my pleasure to serve.
You are powerful beyond your imagination!
If you have any questions about this process? Or would like someone to help hold your hand and guide you through please let me know how I can be of assistance. It is my pleasure to serve.